Égiekkel játszó – Sebestyén Márta koncertje a velemi Szent Viden

Marta Sebestyen has indeed connected us to heavenly creatures, as she had previously suggested by the altered words of Csokonai’s poem as the title of her concert. On 6th October, 2012 we have really got as close to heaven as possible. With simple elegance, pure directness, and radiant attitude, Marta managed to capture our innermost feelings, also expressing her affection for county Vas (where her grandparents lived). With her excellent guest artists, Judit Andrejszki and Hera Caius, the most acknowledged Hungarian singer performed an unforgetable old music programme on the national mourning day. The concert was a road – and the extra was an honest blessing: God bless us all.

The extract is based on Timea Merklin’s article on vasnepe.hu


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